Monday, August 5, 2019

The Transgender Question

Written by four Trans-Women.  

We have written this together in full collaboration with each other.

We’d like to start off by stating the four of us writing this post are trans people (Fully transitioned).
Two of us feel that the transition was a mistake.  One of us holds mixed feelings about our transition, and one has found satisfaction with their transition.  The one who found satisfaction admits that the reason is because they can hide their homosexuality.  All four of us conclude that both the case of Transgender and the case of Transphobia is manufactured.
Most trans people are gay, lesbian, or bisexual.  Several trans-women are in truth straight males with feminine traits.  The conclusion we have reached is that trans people usually fall under three categories.

#1.  The most common is those gender questioning, whom go to the extreme of opting for surgery.

#2.  Those who have Trans-dysphoria, are the original Tran people, controversially, before the other categories emerged, was the only category.

#3.  Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals shamed for their true sexual orientation.

In most cases, those transitioning from one gender to another, move away from the LGB community.  Transitioning does not change ones sexual orientation, thus a gay man or lesbian will then be a straight woman or straight man.
This is not written to justify transphobia, nor is this intended to insight hate.  Any discrimination towards trans-people is abhorrent and gender-neutral restrooms are logical and should be endorsed.  The questions that should be asked are: Why is the Transgender Cause almost always funded by special interest groups? Why is it, when transgender folk come out to the public, while attempting to denounce frauds in our midst, we get ridiculed by cisgender folk?

The three categories of identifying what a transgender person is, by definition, is correct.  This means that there are no true Transgender people.  Cisgender people push the notion of "transgender", at the same time it is usually white cis-males, whom express violent transphobia.
The truth is that gender questioning is perfectly normal and have been inherent for centuries.

As mentioned above, two of us writing this, feel that the transition was a mistake.  One of us transitioned for the wrong reason.  The self-realization, that this was a hidden way to try and win over a lesbian that could not return certain feelings, had to be faced.

This plan didn't work . . . 

Many times cisgender persons will support their transgender friends and then in the middle of transition, their transgender friend will decide to be Gender Neutral.  This causes serious confusion for everyone involved who want to support their Transgender friend.  In the Third World, there are no Trans persons.  Why is the transgender case only seen in the First World?

The Transgender Question can only be concluded as a result of different issues.  The trans persons are a manifestation of several issues surrounding social alienation, and First Worlder’s who are in crisis.  This crisis is not likely to go away, in fact, we should expect to see this expand.  We need to question gender questioning and the questioning of gender roles.
Acknowledging that Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals are organic within humanity is needed.

There is no material evidence for the transgender cause.  There might be supernatural evidence for the transgender cause, but that is not science, and this can not be put into the context of Political Science.

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