Maoism-Third Worldism is the highest stage of the revolutionary science called Marxism.
The first stage of Marxism is ordinary Marxism.
The second stage of Marxism is called Marxism-Leninism.
The third stage of Marxism is called Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Thus it must be grasped that Maoism-Third Worldism is the fourth stage of Marxism.
We would kindly request that anyone who reads this blog post; read the eleven first blog posts that we have written before proceeding with this blog post. The first blog post that we have written is called simply Maoism-Third Worldism, hence the name of our first post has the same name as our blog.
Blog post 1: Maoism-Third Worldism
Blog post 2: What should Maoist-Third Worldists make of Jason Unruhe?
Blog post 3: Revolution in the Third World; Resistance in the First World
Blog post 4: The ridiculous hairsplitting has forced us into resorting to Blogger.
Blog post 5: What is Americanism?
Blog post 6: Synthesis of Treason
Blog post 7: Maoism-Third Worldism is better than Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Blog post 8: The Transgender Question
Blog post 9: Social Alienation in the First World
Blog post 10: The Nation-State has failed to be Proletariat
Blog post 11: First Worldism: an Infantile Disorder
This is the last post for this blog. Anyone interested in more of our work can check out our two other blogs Internationalist Resistance Guard and Global Revolutionary Shining Path.
The first thing to grasp about Maoist-Third Worldist Theory and Practice is that it has nothing to do with the Three Worlds Theory in fact we reject that theory as reactionary and revisionist. Before we review the essentials of Maoism-Third Worldism we need to form the parameters of context.
One of the reasons why Leninists typically refer to themselves by the full description Marxist-Leninists is because many Trotskyists refer to themselves as Leninists, so to avoid confusion Leninists typically call themselves Marxist-Leninist. Another reason why Leninists call themselves Marxist-Leninists and their theory and practice of Marxism is because Marxism-Leninism is a set of words stating that Leninism is updated Marxism.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is not Mao Zedong Thought. Mao Zedong Thought is the Chinese communist variety of Marxism–Leninism that Mao Zedong developed for realizing a socialist revolution in the agricultural, pre-industrial society of the People's Republic of China. To learn more about Marxism-Leninism-Maoism please see this post by a blogging alliance of Marxist-Leninist-Maoists: it was written by our rivals/allies. Keep in mind that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is updated Marxism-Leninism in other words Maoism is updated Leninism. So if someone is a Maoist this means that that person is a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist.
Maoism-Third Worldism is a shorter way of saying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Third Worldism. Maoism-Third Worldism is updated Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. When we say that we are Third Worldists we are saying that we are Maoist-Third Worldists (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Third Worldists) which is the same thing as saying; "Third Worldsim is updated Maoism" we Third Worldists are largely misunderstood, we are also typically the targets of slander by other so-called Marxists.
Now we can bring to you the essentials of Maoism-Third Worldism
This blog only serves the purpose of propagating Maoism-Third Worldism. While it is true that the origins of Maoism-Third Worldism are rather vague, the earliest manifestation of Maoism-Third Worldism is the Maoist Internationalist Movement. We encourage people to learn from the Maoist Internationalist Movement archives that you can view here: we Third Worldists who work to write you these blog posts, take most of our theory from the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM). We however do not embrace MIM dogmatically, MIM has put out reactionary stuff before, the idea that "all sex is rape" is the one that haunts most every Third Worldist. Maoism-Third Worldism was further developed by the Leading Light Communist Organization, you can view their website here: we do pull a significant amount of our theories from the Leading Light Communist Organization (LLCO) because a bunch of their work is correct. We deeply respect the LLCO and the contributions that they have made over the years, but we find them to be at times overwhelmingly simplistic in their line, yet at the very same time a great deal of their work is so overwhelmingly factual that only a reactionary would reject all they have had to say outright. If people reading this blog wish to join the LLCO then they should do so, the LLCO is actually doing much better in their collective organized actions than they ever had in the past. Then there is Jason Unruhe the Maoist Rebel, without him Maoism-Third Worldism may never have gotten more known to the public. Jason Unruhe started his News Network in 2009, he used to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist but he now a Maoist-Third Worldist, you can find Jason Unruhe's website here: just like MIM and the LLCO we do not agree with everything said by Jason Unruhe the Maoist Rebel, yet we wish to proclaim that he has forwarded the correct ideas, he is principled and truthful. Jason Unruhe was honest as a Maoist and he is honest as a Third Worldist, he popularized Maoism-Third Worldism, he definitely takes a lot of his views from the LLCO, but to be perfectly honest he is propagating Third Worldism better than the LLCO. We would rather that the Third World Proletariat themselves start their own Third Worldist Vanguard Parties than rely on the LLCO. More people in the Third World watch Maoist Rebel News than attempt to align with the LLCO. Our strongest suggestion to both the Third World and the First World is read the first eleven blog posts we have put out for educational purposes, then to study works of MIM, then study works of the LLCO and learn as much as you can from Jason Unruhe; then from there it becomes a matter of responsibility to further the theories of Maoism-Third Worldism with contributions and serious work. Third Worldists practice criticism and self-criticism. So we will give a criticism of MIM, the LLCO and Jason Unruhe; in that order. But first we shall criticism of ourselves.Criticizing ourselves.
We should have given fuller investigation into the claims of other Marxists a long time ago. We have failed to study new developing Socialist movements. We have been dismissive when Leninists attempt to explain new ideas to us, we have been reactionary in this way. Our dismissal of Leninist Comrades led to their deaths by Police in Arizona. We can never let this happen again.
We confess to ignoring people who wanted to learn about the Third Worldist line; because such people usually learned of Third Worldism from Jason Unruhe. We have been rather embarrassed by Jason Unruhe, we have always known a great deal about him because we remember him when he started in 2009. Since 2018 we have done much to correct ourselves in this regard. We have to confess that Jason Unruhe has made the most significant contributions, we have been guilty of jealousy and spite. The truth is Jason Unruhe actually saved the reputation of Maoism-Third Worldism when it was under assault.
Criticizing Maoist Internationalist Movement.
As much as we draw from MIM we deeply criticize their disbanding and their over defensiveness when fake Maoists would attack them. Plus it is not spite to confront the lies of Cult leaders simply because they are more popular, MIM wasted a lot of time responding to every attack that fake Maoist made upon them yet they had the means to warn others about Cult leaders but failed to do so out of fear of what First Worldists might say.
MIM dropped the Third Worldist line. In desperate hopes that First Worldists would become more gentle MIM stopped developing theory concerning the global class divide. The remnants of MIM have put to much emphasis on Settlers by J. Sakai a flawed book that needs to be rewritten.
Criticizing the Leading Light Communist Organization.
The LLCO still suffers from a type of disconnection from many groups in the Third World. Third Worldism must be picked up by the Third World not preached by those wishing to spread Leading Light Communist theory. The structure of Third Worldism was truly established by the LLCO, to deny this is dishonest. The LLCO is not the Vanguard of Third Worldism.
The LLCO needs to be criticized for pretending that Jim Crow conditions in the Southern States of the USA are a thing of the past. The First World Lumpenproletariat still matters. To be fair this is more the fault of Commander Prairie Fire. We should all recognize the contributions of Commander Prairie Fire, Third Worldism would not have been realized the way that it is today without his work; recognizing this it is time to put into question a great deal of the statistics that he propagated.
Criticizing Jason Unruhe.
Jason Unruhe fails to recognize his importance. While it is true Jason Unruhe started as an amateur. Jason Unruhe is the guy putting out the most important content, there are even revolutionaries in the Third World watching him, he clearly has no idea that he is viewed by Third Worlders, that they may even take him more seriously than the LLCO.
Jason Unruhe needs to work with Trans-skeptics and even Trans-deniers. We again redirect readers to Blog post 8: The Transgender Question Trans people have more to fear from Trans activists that censor them from questioning their transgenderism than they have to fear from Jason Unruhe. Being trans-skeptical is not the same as being transphobic. Being a trans-denier is not the same as being a transphobe. It is obvious that Jason Unruhe is either trans-skeptical or trans-denying. Trans-denial is not transphobia. Trans-skeptical is not transphobia. Jason Unruhe should stop being scared of Trans activists, they don't even speak for the Trans Community; the Trans Community is gender questioning, the activism has been the source of the confusion inside the Trans Community.
There is no material argument for being Trans. Most Trans people who commit suicide do so shortly after transition. Most murders of Trans people happen with Police participation not by Jason Unruhe, it is time for Jason Unruhe to stand up to those that insist on bullying him.
The facts that other Marxists never want to hear remain true, this truth has been said before, we did not originate these words, they are true and difficult for First Worldists to except;
Maoism-Third Worldism reaffirms historical materialism, i.e. that the struggle between groups over their relationship to the means of producing and distributing wealth is the chief factor which shapes history. All economic wealth is the product of labor. Under capitalism, wealth becomes concentrated in fewer and fewer hands to the detriment of producers. This contradiction between the proletariat, the class for which the struggle against capitalism represents “nothing to lose but chains and a world to win,” and exploiters is not resolvable under capitalism. All things, including the social world, are in a process of development. The question of what direction the world will develop depends on class struggle. The basic choice facing humanity today is between socialism and communism or widespread ruin. Substantive progressive change to the capitalist system can not come from political reforms. Rather, the proletariat must organize to seize the instruments of production and construct their own state-forms to suppress reactionaries and carry through the revolution. The struggle against capitalism and for socialism is representative of the immediate necessity of an entire class and exemplifies an even larger range of interests. Yet this is not always demonstrated in the direct struggles waged by particular groups of the proletariat. Proletariat political consciousness is that which recognizes and organizes around the long-term strategic and tactical interests of the proletariat as a class. It is born from wider experiences of class struggle, and it is often brought to the proletarian masses by its most conscious elements or from without. Everything reflects in some manner extant social relations. The state, culture, art and day-to-day interactions are field of struggle in which different lines of understanding based on either proletarian class consciousness or reactionary ideology play out. Maoism-Third Worldism promotes the revolutionary struggle to seize power both over the means of production and every aspect of the superstructure as well. Socialism is transitional period between the formal overthrow of capitalism under the leadership of the proletariat to the restructuring of society based on the democratic and rational control over the production and allocation of use values, without oppression, classes or a state. The growth of the productive forces combined with historically-enshrined and militarily-enforced monopoly/imperialist advantages renders the contradiction between the proletariat and capital as one between exploiter and exploited nations. Hence, the principal contradiction today is between the masses of peripheral and semiperipheral countries on one hand and exploiter classes tied to capitalism-imperialism on the other. A revolution on the part of the Third World’s masses would in fact be a world revolution, as much of the value captured by the First World today is produced in the Third World. Imperialism renders entire local, national and regional economies of the core as primarily parasitic and dependent on the exploitation of the wider peripheral and semiperipheral zones. This necessarily alters the terrain of class struggle. Specifically, imperialism pays qualitatively higher wages to a minority of workers. This has both an economic function in maintaining capital accumulation in the core at the expense of the masses of the Third World and an ideological function by “bribing” these workers into supporting imperialism. First World and “middle class” workers who receive wages above the abstract value of labor, i.e. above the value of the goods and services exchanged throughout the world economy in a given period divided by the quantity of labor through which it is produced, are not part of the proletariat because the magnitude of their wages are dependent on imperialist exploitation and could not be maintained without it. Hence, Maoism-Third Worldism opposes all economism on behalf of workers in imperialist countries. Protracted people’s war complimented by the mass line, as demonstrated in the Chinese Revolution and creatively applied to particular situations, is the best suited means of revolutionary struggle in peripheral and semiperipheral countries. The notion of waging class struggle must be considered globally as well. Chinese revolutionary Lin Biao noted that the imperialist First World represented the “cities of the world” and that the exploited Third World the “countryside of the world.” Given the vast underdevelopment of the Third World at the hands of the First World, the struggle of the world’s masses is not immediately one for socialism but for global new democracy. This demands the hemming in and wide-ranging defeat of imperialism by an international proletariat-led coalition of progressive classes and the building of the requisite productive forces, class alliances and consciousness to continue the struggle for socialism and communism. Socialism is not a straight line towards communism. Rather, due to leftover attitudes and oppression, privileges which accompany positions of authority and the existence of capitalist blocs, the structural possibility remains for the generation of a “new bourgeoisie” under socialism which will attempt to seize power, halt class struggle, and unite to make accommodations with remaining reactionaries. The only solution is the continuation of class struggle under socialism to the end of countering and routing these efforts at the restoration of capitalism. This is the only means to continue towards communism. The participation of women is paramount for the success of the struggles for people’s war, global new democracy, socialism and communism. Women make up over half of the proletariat and form the backbone of our ability to reach and transform the day-to-day lives of the masses through struggle. As a paradigmatic shift, the struggle for socialism and communism must take a totally different approach to humanity’s relationship the the natural environment. Under socialism and communism, the preservation and enhancement of natural abundance for the common good will take precedence over the profit-seeking interest of the few. Moreover, people’s relationship with non-human life must more closely resemble the relationship that we strive to achieve between ourselves. The struggle for proletarian revolution must support and find common cause with the struggle for liberation and self-determination of oppressed nations. Within imperialist cores, the struggle for national liberation should be promoted as a detachment of the wider struggle for global new democracy, socialism and communism. The semantic application of Maoism-Third Worldism and the above terminology are not so important. What is important is that the above lessons are internalized and put into practice by revolutionary movements today. The struggle against capitalism-imperialism is a life or death matter for a large portion of the world’s people. The wider program of proletarian revolution touches on all aspects of life and carries which it the long-term interest of humanity itself. For these reasons, it is important that Marxism today, revolutionary science, draws from the history of class struggle the best understandings available. Capitalism-imperialism will not fall on its own, but it can be defeated. Enlightened by the lessons of previous class struggle and carried out in concert with a broad united front against imperialism, proletarian-led revolutionary struggles can defeat capitalism-imperialism, lay the foundations of socialism and embark on the road to communism.
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