Saturday, June 15, 2019

Revolution in the Third World; Resistance in the First World

The true road to class struggle and third world liberation is to have a global people’s war.
Nonviolence in the Third World is counter-revolutionary. We need a Communist World! This will only come with armed struggle. There are Proletarians in the First World; but the First World is not Proletariat. The there are two obstacles that hold back the Proletariat within the First World; #1 the Proletariat within the First World are to small in number, #2 the Proletariat within the First World are not class conscious. Because the First World currently has no significant social base for revolution and yet there is a minority of Proletarians within the First World and even a small handful of sympathizers of International Proletariat Struggle within the First World, a tactical remedy is necessary. The tactical remedy to this woe is the strategy of Revolution in the Third World; Resistance in the First World and it works. This tactic can best be explained by a article written by the LLCO, here is the link and just a disclaimer - let it be known that this blog is not exclusively connected to the LLCO.
This blog however does find much agreement with the (LLCO) Leading Light Communist Organization. This blog simply serves the function as a proselytizer of Maoism-Third Worldism.
Although it is unpopular to give credit to the now disband Maoist Internationalist Movement, we give most of the credit for the theoretical construction of Maoism-Third Worldism to the Maoist Internationalist Movement. Every contributor to this blog originally took from their ideological framework. Let us make it very clear though, none of us have ever been members of the Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. We felt that it was best if we left the representation of the ideology to the Leading Light Communist Organization, but then Prarie Fire died of a heroin overdose. Furthermore we have gotten very fed up with the accusation that Maoist-Third Worldists are a bunch of White guys who politically fetishize Asians. We can remember when the accusation was that Maoist-Third Worldists are just a bunch of anti-Whites. The voices of slander never are coherent. 
We do to a great extent agree with Jason Unruhe, definitely not on everything but he should be given a lot of credit for spreading the word that a new theory has been emerging, that is why we wrote this as our second post for this blog and we appreciate just how much he popularized the very term Maoism-Third Worldism. Maoism-Third Worldism really is the best word for the fourth stage of Marxism. We need revolution, that can only come from the Third World not the First World.

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