Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social Alienation in the First World

Social alienation in the First World is a problem that is rising at an alarming rate. Take a look at a family today in the First World and young couples living with their parents will text each other at the dinner table.

Marx was initially in the Young Hegelian camp and, like Feuerbach, rejected the spiritual basis, and adapted Hegel's dialectic model to a theory of (historical) materialism. Marx's theory of alienation is articulated most clearly in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 and The German Ideology (1846). The 'young' Marx wrote more often and directly of alienation than the 'mature' Marx, which some regard as an ideological break while others maintain that the concept remained central. There is generally held to be a transition from a philosophical-anthropological (Marxist humanism) concept (e.g. internal alienation from the self) to a structural-historical interpretation (e.g. external alienation by appropriation of labor), accompanied by a change in terminology from alienation to exploitation to commodity fetishism and reification.

The issue of Hikikomori in Japan and Incels in America, these are text book examples of Social alienation in the First World. The American nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center described the Incel subculture as "part of the online male supremacist ecosystem" that is included in their list of hate groups. But we have examined this more closely and have found that this is not really the truth. These Incels suffer with extreme Social alienation in the First World.

The "Loneliness Epidemic" as some call it, is really just Social alienation in the First World. The need to be sociable was hardwired into humanity long ago. The ability to have face-to-face sex is one of those needs, but connection has now been replaced with superficiality and fetishization.

How did Marx's Theory of Social alienation prove so correct to this extent in the First World?
This happened because First Worlders will not fight for liberation.

People in the First World can be bought off, those that know something is wrong don't fully understand the issue. Realizing something is wrong can cause Social alienation if the person realizing this does not fully understand what is happening. The two programs by Alex Jones Infowars and Prison Planet had been the perfect outlet for those looking for answers. The Conspiracy Theory subculture and the Marvel Cinematic Universe subculture are both manifestations of this Social alienation in the First World. Bronyism is another manifestation of Social alienation in the First World.
But is there a solution?

There is a solution but it is an uphill battle, the people in the First World need to resist the Social alienation by facing reality instead of abandoning it. Spreading Social awareness is a good place to start. It is more worthwhile to reach out to isolated people than to isolate them further.    

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